
Clean and Green Campaign of Hawaii , Clean and Green Campaign , Clean and Green

About Us

Mission: “The Clean and Green Campaign of Hawaii is dedicated to creating a positive impact on Hawaii's enviroment through education, advocacy, group clean-up efforts, and recycling.”

Have you ever asked yourself, “Could I do more for my environment?” If you answered “yes” to this question then you have something in common with the Clean and Green Campaign of Hawaii. We want to do more for our environment too. We want to make this world a cleaner and greener place for the generations of tomorrow. So that our children’s children can enjoy this beautiful earth as much, and more so, than we do.

At Clean and Green Campaign of Hawaii we realize that everyone is different and can help in different ways. We also believe that everyone can do more to help the environment, and that the majority of people genuinely want to do more. We want to work with the people of our community, work with you, to learn what each individual can do to impact our future. This can be as small as teaching a group of children the importance of recycling, to something bigger like an organized clean-up of our beaches. Or even to challenge major corporations to become cleaner and greener. Whatever the action may be, the goal is the same. Lets make this world a better place. Lets start living cleaner and greener each and every day.

If you are someone who believes that each person can make a difference than you have come to the right place. We are calling out to people in our community to join us. Come help us make a difference today. If you can only help out for one hour a month, great, that’s one hour spent making this world a better place. It’s not the amount of time spent it’s the amount of heart you put into it. We want people with heart to join our Campaign to live Cleaner and Greener everyday. Act locally think globally.

Mission: “The Clean and Green Campaign of Hawaii is dedicated to creating a positive impact on Hawaii's enviroment through education, advocacy, group clean-up efforts, and recycling.”

Have you ever asked yourself, “Could I do more for my…


  • 3039 Lanikaula St., Honolulu, HI 96822, United States

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