

Austin, TX |

About Us

Faire is an Austin-based, women-owned, start-up company on a mission to build a real alternative to the status quo in Big E-commerce and Fast Fashion by making Fair Trade and other ethically sourced products the new go-to standard online. Faire is also a pending Certified B Corporation––B Corporations are third party certified, mission-driven companies built to harnesses the power of private enterprise for public benefit. "Pending B" status was designed for start-ups like us, and we couldn't be more excited to be spreading the word about the impact and values of the B Corp. movement.

At the heart of all Fair and Ethical Trade brands are people who care deeply about the communities they are trying to help escape poverty. At Faire, we believe that Fair Trade and other ethically sourced products are not about charity, but about storytelling, empowerment, sustainability, shared prosperity, and community––that they are about humanity and origins, a global exchange of ideas, and the currency of culture. That’s why we’re building a new kind of e-commerce marketplace, one composed exclusively of ethical brands––it’s called Faire.Shop.

Faire is an Austin-based, women-owned, start-up company on a mission to build a real alternative to the status quo in Big E-commerce and Fast Fashion by making Fair Trade and other ethically sourced products the new go-to standard online…


  • 222 West Avenue, Austin, TX 78701, United States
    Unit 2812

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