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Attending An Idealist Grad School Fair? Here’s What You Need To Know

Jaxx Artz profile image

Jaxx Artz

An Idealist grad fair in action, featuring two potential graduate school students.

One of the most important aspects of applying to graduate school is selecting the programs that are best suited for your career goals and needs as a student. To help you narrow down which programs are best for you, we’re hosting an upcoming grad school fair in New York City this fall.

We know that attending a fair and connecting with hundreds of people and potential programs can be a bit overwhelming. To cut through the confusion, we’ve outlined how to make the most out of the Idealist Grad Fair to find the right program for you:

Do background research on each program

Before the fair, identify which attending programs and graduate schools you’re most interested in and scout them out online. Review graduate school websites and other resources to better understand what each school or program is like, and which ones may interest you more. Doing your research will help you identify the schools you’ll want to find at the fair in order to introduce yourself to the reps and get more information.

Prepare questions to ask representatives

Asking questions can help determine if a program fits your social-impact interests and career goals. For example, you may want to know how the admission process works, what courses the program offers, or what the student life is like.

Don’t forget to RSVP

Registering for the Idealist Grad Fair ensures you’ll get updated information, helpful resources, and informational materials from the grad school representatives you're preparing to meet.

Some tips for the big day

Now that you’re prepared to find your ideal grad program, remember these few tips on the day of the grad fair:

  • Dress casually, but appropriately. Remember, you still want to make a good first impression.
  • Arrival early to give yourself plenty of time. Take a moment to check out your surroundings and pick up a map if available. If you’ve done your research and know which schools you’re interested in, head toward those first, but remember to keep an open mind. There may be a program you didn't know about that could have everything you're looking for in a grad program!
  • Be prepared to answer questions about yourself. Representatives might be curious to why you’re thinking about graduate school, what degree you are looking to pursue, or when you plan on attending.
  • Network. Use this as an opportunity to get admissions representatives' contact information. This gives you the ability to ask follow up questions or get in contact with someone from that school in the future.

After you’ve attended the grad fair, remember to follow up with any additional contacts; if you have further questions, get a hold of one of the admissions representatives.

Good luck on your graduate school hunting!

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Jaxx Artz

I oversee the content and resources we share at Idealist to help organizations, prospective grad students, and job seekers make an impact in their personal and professional lives. In my spare time, I love to read, cook, and explore NYC's parks.

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