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The Idealist Guide to Caring for Your Mental Health

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Samantha Fredrickson

Older woman sits at a desk in front of laptop in a busy office

For those of us who work in social impact, it can feel like the work is never done—there is always another deadline to make, another donor to meet, another person to help, and it’s easy for stress to build up. 

While there is a lot of talk about self-care in the nonprofit sector, sometimes a day off or yoga class just isn’t enough.

So how do you check in on your mental health when you’re experiencing more than the office blues, and how do you know when it’s the right time to seek treatment? We break down the answers to these questions below for our guide to caring for your mental health at work.

Anxiety and depression are common in the workplace

On average, one in five people suffer from anxiety or depression; since most people spend much of their lives at work, they’re bound to experience symptoms at the office. Clare Miller, who directs the Center for Workplace Mental Health, says that anxiety and depression can be particularly common in the nonprofit sector.

“Because nonprofits are mission-driven, it can be harder to ‘turn off’ and keep that work-life balance,” Miller said. “But it’s like when you’re on an airplane, you need to put the oxygen mask on yourself before you help others. You will be able to do a better job if you take care of yourself.”

Miller estimates that employers lose approximately $210 billion annually when employees struggle to care for their mental health and don’t have organizational support to back them up. That’s why her group works with organizations to provide free resources for employers who want to make sure their employees’ mental health is taken care of.

Are you experiencing stress or something more serious?

Many people can get stressed when they are facing a deadline or working on a big project, and sometimes, stress can even be a good motivator. But when that stress really starts to impact your daily life and ability to function at work or home, it could be a sign of something more.

Dr. Debra Kissen, Clinical Director of the Light on Anxiety Treatment Center of Chicago and board member of the Anxiety and Depression Association of America says that the earlier you seek treatment for your mental health, the better. You don’t need to wait until you hit rock bottom.

“Any kind of emotional distress is real,” she said. “The earlier that any challenge is handled, the less it will become a pattern.”

If you find yourself losing sleep or experiencing a loss of appetite, it may be time to check in with a physician or counselor about what you’re experiencing. As a short-term solution, make sure to inform your manager about everything that is on your plate so that you don’t overburden yourself at work.

Pro Tip: We’ve covered stress management extensively here at Idealist Career Advice, so be sure to check out some of these resources for practicing self-care. You can read about “5 Self-Care Strategies for Care Professionals,” “5 Ways to Cope When Your Ambition Becomes a Source of Anxiety,” and “6 Ways to Work With And Not Against Stress.”

How to care for your mental health

What do you do if stress, anxiety, or depression is impacting your life, and temporary self-care rituals aren’t helping? Both Miller and Kissen have some tips.

Kissen suggests making simple changes and then working your way up to more intensive treatment if necessary.

  • First, take stock of your current activities. Are you eating well-balanced meals and signing off from work at an appropriate hour? Try to get your mind off the computer by taking frequent breaks and going for a long walk during the work day, or make exercise a more regular part of your routine. 
  • Check out some helpful mindfulness apps. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA) has a list of suggested apps that offer users the ability to track symptoms. They also provide tools and resources for managing those symptoms, such as through group activities or mindfulness sessions. Individuals suffering from anxiety, depression, PTSD, panic disorder, or obsessive compulsive disorder can benefit from tracking how their symptoms progress. All of the apps on ADAA’s list have been reviewed by independent mental health professionals.
  • Seek outside help from a life coach or mental health professional. The ADAA provides a good starting point for finding a therapist should you decide to seek outside help. The organization even offers a list of therapists who can provide treatment over the phone or internet.
  • Look into more intensive treatment if necessary. If therapy doesn’t seem to be working, ask your therapist about seeking more intensive treatment; both inpatient and outpatient options may end up being the right choice for you.

Don’t forget to see what resources your employer provides, Miller added. Talk to your boss or human resources representative to see if your organization has an Employee Assistance Program (EAP), which can help employees work toward resolving personal issues.

About 90% of organizations have EAPs, Miller said. Often, an EAP will provide resources like telemental health or initial visits with a therapist at no additional cost to an employee.

Pro Tip: If your organization does not have an EAP, or does not have great mental health insurance, there are plenty of low-cost treatment options available, including therapists who offer sliding scales or federally-funded health centers.

Don’t wait too long to care for your mental health

If you feel like you are experiencing anxiety or depression, then do what you can to seek help sooner rather than later. And remember, there are different types of treatment for different types of people.

“Therapy doesn’t have to be a big complicated thing,” Dr. Kissen said. “Just think of it as someone coaching you to do things that are good for you.”

By shifting your mindset and allowing yourself to get the help that you need, you’ll have a better chance of working toward a solution that feels right to you. 

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Samantha Fredrickson

Samantha Fredrickson has worked in communications and nonprofit advocacy for more than a decade. She has spent much of her career advocating for the rights of vulnerable populations. She has degrees from the University of Nevada, Reno and New York Law School.

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