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How To Avoid Burnout At Work

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Idealist Guest

A photograph of an Asian woman in a green silk blouse typing on her computer as she sits across from a man who is writing on a clipboard.

As social-impact employees, it’s all too easy to become consumed by work. Having a healthy interest in your organization's mission is great, but allowing your workload to take over your life can decrease your productivity and lead to long-term dissatisfaction with your employer down the road.

Rosetta Thurman, founder of the career consulting company Happy Black Women, has shared some tips with us on how you can avoid burnout at work. Take a look to see what adjustments you can make in your career to help you rediscover a love for your day-to-day:

  • Set clear boundaries. When you're in the groove at work, it's all too easy to push your log-off time an hour or two back so you can send an email, wrap up a project, or finish chatting with a co-worker. But when this push-back is happening several times a week, you know you have a problem. If your workload is the issue, consider reaching out to your manager about reevaluating what's on your plate, or delegating tasks to other team members. If you often find yourself eating meals during meetings, try adding your working hours to your calendar. Urgent meetings may still take place, but co-workers will think twice about scheduling a non-essential check-in over your lunch hour.
  • Prioritize self-care. Taking care of your wellbeing is about more than just kicking your feet up at the end of a long week and putting cucumbers over your eyes. If your organization supports employee benefits like mental health services, subsidized health insurance, or wellness credits, use them! Make sure to attend whatever appointments will help you stay healthy, and don't be afraid to advocate for yourself when you need time to recuperate after a tough week.
  • Step away from your desk. Whether you're in the office five days a week or working from a desk in your bedroom, we all need to prioritize taking breaks throughout the work day. Find time to power off the computer and sit outside, or take a walk around the block. And please, whatever you do, eat lunch away from your desk.

Burnout is a serious issue that can negatively impact your experience with work, particularly if you're in a mission-driven environment. Take the time you need to rest so that your work feels more like a yay! and less like an ugh.


Do you work remotely? Avoid the pressure to take your work "home" with you by following our tips: Got Work-From-Home Burnout? Here's How to Handle It

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Idealist Guest

This post was contributed by a guest author.

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