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Is Your Job Search Overwhelming? Here Are 4 Tech Tools to Help You Stay in Control

Is Your Job Search Overwhelming? Here Are 4 Tech Tools to Help You Stay in Control

The moment you start to job hunt, you realize that you have a ton of information to manage: job descriptions, interviews, key dates and deadlines, and more. The apps and websites below help you stay on top of all of this information so you never miss out on landing your dream job.

Get connected

Jobs with Friends [website]

Having a friend as a personal reference can be a strong method to get an interview. Jobs with Friends aggregates your contacts on your social media platforms, shows you where they work, and enables you to ask them for a referral.

Organize the search

Springpad [app/website]

When you’re looking for a job, you’re likely collecting a ton of links, names, dates, and more. Springpad can help you stay organized by placing all of this information in one space.

Prep for the interview

Interview Prep Questions [app]

Being prepared for interview questions is crucial when you know you have the interview. Take your prep with you with this flashcard app.

My Interview Simulator [website]

Once you’ve practiced your questions, head over to the My Interview Simulator to practice the questions out loud without any help.

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By Aaron McCoy

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