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Who Is On The GOOD 100 List?

A graphic of the GOOD 100 List.

Our friends at GOOD have compiled a list of 100 change makers who are doing amazing things in the social good space. The organization collected nominations from readers and fans, and narrowed it down to a list of 100 “individuals we should rally around in 2013.” Starting April 1, GOOD has been introducing these individuals one-by-one.

"This is our third installment of the GOOD 100, but it’s the first time we present the list as a call to action. For as inspiring and awesome as these 100 DOers are, they still need our help. So, as you learn about them on the following pages, we ask that you consider the ways you can support their efforts through action. Whether you can offer expertise, access to resources, or public support, we invite you to plug yourself into our Rube Goldberg-style apparatus. After all, as part of the GOOD community, you’re a DOer too. Let’s all do more good, together."

So far, the list includes Adam Garone, the founder of Movember; Los Angeles City Councilman and mayoral candidate Eric GarcettiEden Full, who created the low-cost SunSaluter solar panel; and Zubaida Bai, the founder of AYZH, which provides medical necessities to women in rural India. Check out the entire GOOD 100 here.

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