Living On A Nonprofit Salary, The Overhead Myth, And Pride Month | What Happened This Week?
Read these:
- Our most popular blog post this week: Can I afford to work in the nonprofit sector?
- It’s LGBT Pride Month. Check out our interviews and stories of LGBT youth organizations and learn how you can get involved.
- From The Daily Muse: Don’t have a mentor? Try this instead
- From the Chronicle of Philanthropy: 3 major charity groups ask donors to stop focusing on overhead costs. These organizations also launched The Overhead Myth.
- From GOOD: How to go back to school in something completely different
Watch these:
- Scott Dinsmore of Cool People Care talks about how to find and do work you loveat TEDxGoldenGatePark
- From Habitat for Humanity: Survivors tell their stories of rebuilding after a natural disaster
- From The Greater Good: The science of empathy and challenges of gratitude