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Podcast | Get the Experience You Need to Switch Careers

Alexis Perrotta profile image

Alexis Perrotta

A woman talking into a megaphone.

I recently had the pleasure of sharing tips and resources from Idealist Careers, as well as my own expertise, with Mac Prichard and team of Mac's List.

Mac's List is a Portland-based resource for helping passionate, creative professionals learn how to find meaningful and rewarding work in Portland, Oregon, and Washington.

A block quote with a picture of Alexis Perrotta.

Here's a peek at what we chatted about on this recent episode of the Mac's List podcast:

Ready to switch careers? Getting the right experience is key to finding success. On this episode of Find Your Dream Job, our guest has actionable tips to build your experience and show it to potential employers.

Start by taking on volunteer projects with clear objectives so that you can show your impact. Build a professional website that highlights your most important skills. Next, start expanding your network while you’re currently employed, and you’ll be in a great position to take the leap!

Listen to the podcast to check out all of the useful resources and actionable career tips we discussed, and let us know if you have any questions or want to hear more!

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Alexis Perrotta

As the Associate Director of Marketing and Communications at Idealist and a lifelong nonprofit professional, Alexis offers job seekers, game changers, and do gooders actionable tips, career resources, and social-impact advice.

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