The Youth Tutoring Program (YTP), a program of Catholic Community Services, is an innovative and successful after school enrichment program for vulnerable first through twelth grade students who live in six low- and mixed-income communities across Seattle. Each center is located in the housing communities that they serve making YTP an essential component of each student's community and home life. At the tutoring centers students build skills in reading and math, get help with homework and strengthen their sense of self-esteem and respect. Coming primarily from immigrant and refugee families YTP students are wonderfully diverse, representing many nationalities, cultures, languages and religions. Unique among tutoring programs in Seattle, YTP provides large scale, one-to-one and group tutoring. Centers are open in the late afternoons and early evening hours.
Youth Tutoring Program Center Locations:
High Point -6400 Sylvan Way SW (Room 112)Seattle,WA98126
NewHolly -7058 32nd Ave. S Suite 103Seattle,WA98118
Rainier Vista - 4520 Martin Luther King Jr. Way S Seattle, WA 98108
Yesler Terrace -120 8th Ave (3rd floor) (community building)Seattle,WA 98104
Jackson Park - 14374 30th N.E. (CommunityBuilding)Seattle,WA 98125
Lake Washington Apartments -9061 Seward Park Ave. S (Community Room)Seattle,WA 98118
The Youth Tutoring Program (YTP), a program of Catholic Community Services, is an innovative and successful after school enrichment program for vulnerable first through twelth grade students who live in six low- and mixed-income communities across Seattle. Each center is located in the housing communities that they serve making YTP an essential component of each student's community and home life. At the tutoring centers students build skills in reading and math, get help with homework and strengthen their sense of self-esteem and respect. Coming primarily from immigrant and refugee families YTP students are wonderfully diverse, representing many nationalities, cultures, languages and religions. Unique among tutoring programs in Seattle, YTP provides large scale, one-to-one and group tutoring. Centers are open in the late afternoons and early evening hours.
Youth Tutoring Program Center Locations:
High Point -6400 Sylvan Way SW (Room 112)Seattle…