How do I report malicious behavior or inappropriate content on Idealist?

An illustration of an ice cream cone on the floor.

If you suspect that an organization or individual is using our site inappropriately, please let us know as soon as you can!

We do our best to keep content submitted on Idealist safe and relevant, but we count on users like you to help improve our community. If you notice a problem when you're looking at a listing or organization page, please report the page in question to our team and we’ll investigate the issue as soon as possible after being alerted.

To report a listing or organization page, click the three dot icon to the right of the “Share” button:

A screenshot of the Idealist website displaying the three dot icon to report a listing

Then, click the “Report This Listing” button from the dropdown menu that appears:

Screenshot of the Idealist website showing the Report This Listing button

Next, select the option in the “Reason” dropdown menu that closest describes the reason you’re reporting the listing or organization page:

Screenshot of the Idealist website showing the dropdown menu to choose the Reason for reporting

You can add additional details about the reported listing for our staff in the “Details” section:

Screenshot of the Idealist website showing the Details section of the Report a Listing

To learn more about online fraud, ways to protect yourself, and how to bounce back from a scam, see these helpful links:

Thank you for helping to make Idealist a better place for everyone!

Unsure about an organization or listing on our site? You can also Contact Us to request more information or report content.