
Tools and Resources for Social-Impact Professionals Like You

From professional development and career advice, to ideas for taking action in your community, here are the essentials for a social-impact journey.

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Remote Opportunities

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A progress bar on an Employment Profile.

Employment Profile

Add work history details and upload your resume to be matched with relevant, open roles.

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A blue illustration with piggy banks, graph curves, change, stairs, and bar graphs

Try out our salary tool, built with you in mind💰

Find out what you need to know before you negotiate your salary, switch roles, or relocate to a new city.

The Nonprofit Salary Explorer is open to anyone who has worked at a U.S.-based nonprofit within the last three years.

Resources to Aid You on Your Career Path

Three or Four Things Newsletter

Three or Four Things Newsletter

A monthly email designed to guide you through any stage of your social-impact journey.

The phrase, "Looking back before moving forward."

Designing Your Dream Career

Land your dream job or get ahead at your current organization with our free virtual course.

A sample resume.

Build Your Perfect Resume

Use our Resume Roadmap's tips and resources to steer you in the right direction.

A tablet screenshot view of Idealist's Career Advice, showing article titles and illustrations

Career Advice: A Blog for Social-Impact Professionals

1,700+ articles to help you grow in your career, covering categories such as:

Resources for Prospective Grad Students

From advice on applications and financial aid to outlining grad school alternatives, the Grad Resources blog has everything you need to pursue continuing education.

A screenshot on a tablet of Idealist's Grad Resources, a blog with information about graduate education. The screenshot includes article titles and accompanying images.

Join a Cohort of Changemakers

The Idealist Action Incubator is a free, seven-week virtual program offering one-on-one guidance and community support as you move your good idea into action.